Statement by Stronger Safer Florida Coalition Regarding Governor DeSantis’ Resiliency Efforts in 2021 Budget Recommendations
“The Stronger Safer Florida coalition commends Governor Ron DeSantis for his efforts to increase Florida’s resiliency and protect our at-risk ecosystems in the 2021-2022 budget proposal. As Florida continues to face various climate-change related issues, prioritizing such initiatives is critical to the long-term future of our state.
In the “Florida Leads” budget, Governor DeSantis establishes the Resiliency Florida program, which will provide $1 billion over four years in grants to curb the effects of sea level rise, severe storm events, and localized flooding. The program will fuel various initiatives around the state, protecting both coastal and in-land communities.
We are also pleased the Governor has again shown his commitment to protecting Florida’s water resources. Governor DeSantis has allocated additional funds toward restoring the Everglades and springs, improving overall water quality and targeting harmful algae blooms.
Stronger Safer Florida encourages lawmakers to stand alongside the Governor in boosting our state’s resiliency, as most of Florida has already started to grapple with the challenges of climate change and related flooding. Additionally, leaders should continue to explore opportunities to export risk to the private sector markets to protect taxpayers. Investing in our communities and fortifying our state now is key to protecting all the natural treasures that make Florida special.”
Stronger Safer Florida is a nonpartisan coalition comprised of businesses, consumer and environmental groups from throughout Florida. This diverse membership seeks to protect consumers before, during, and after catastrophic events impact Florida.