Statement By Stronger Safer Florida on 2016 Atlantic Hurricane Season Predictions
Tallahassee, Fla. – Today, the coalition of statewide business, consumer and environmental groups that represent Stronger Safer Florida issued the following statement on the 2016 Atlantic Hurricane Season predictions of 12 named storms, including five hurricanes. Hurricane season starts June 1 and ends November 30.
“Florida has been fortunate to avoid a hurricane for the last 10 years, though experts have recognized that the country’s most hurricane-prone state will be hit by significant hurricanes sooner or later and billions of dollars of property will be damaged. Facing this inevitable certainty, Floridians must get their houses in order by keeping batteries and flashlights in stock, forming an evacuation plan and strengthening their homes as appropriate. Too, Florida leaders must get the state’s financial house in order by continuing to find ways to avoid levying billions of dollars of hurricane assessments against Floridians and Florida businesses post-storm. A major hurricane or an active season of multiple storms could wipe out saved up capital, causing an preventable financial storm in Florida.”